Dr Peter Richard-Herbert

Dr Peter Richard-Herbert
Dr Peter Richard-Herbert is a Psychological Analyst, Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Practitioner and ICF registered Coach with over 4 decades of full time clinical practice.
In addition to his psychotherapy and counselling practice Dr Richard-Herbert has worked as a consultant to corporations where he has conducted executive leadership and coaching, self-development and delivered training courses, workshops and developed psychometric tests to enhance corporate effectiveness.
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Dr Richard-Herbert has authored and developed new theories in Analytical Counselling and Ego State (Parts) Theory and has published on Metaphoric Symbolised Imagery (MSI), Advanced Ego State Therapy, Hypnosis, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis and Self State Analysis.
Dr Peter Richard-Herbert is also Senior Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy at ACAP, teaching Undergraduate and Masters level students. Dr Richard-Herbert is passionate about offering students the benefit of his 40 years experience in full-time practice as a therapist.
Counselling, Psychodynamic Psychotherapies, Ego State Therapy, Behavioural State Analysis, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Metaphoric Symbolised Imagery (MSI)™, Clinical Supervision
Doctorate -Professional Studies- Higher Research Degree-Psych (CQU)
MA Psychology (UWS)
Grad. Dipl. Mediation (Bond)
Grad Dipl. Psychotherapy and Counselling (UK)
Dipl. Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (UK)
Dipl. Clinical Hypnosis (Aust)
Grad Cert Applied Coaching (ACAP)
Cert IV Training and Assessment
Professional Affiliations and Fellowships
PACFA – Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia – Clinical Member
ACA – Australian Counselling Association – Clinical Member
ESTI (Ego State Therapy International) – Chair – Australian Board Representative
AESTA (Australasian Ego State Therapy Association) – National President;
Founding member and Fellow
ISH (International Society Hypnosis) – Clinical Member
NCP (UK) National Council of Psychotherapists – Clinical Member and Fellow
AHA (NSW) Australian Hypnotherapists Association – Fellow and former NSW President
RTI (Resource Therapy International) – Clinical Trainer and Supervisor
ICF- International Coaching Federation
Resolution Institute (Australia)
Reg. Clinical Supervisor: PACFA, AHA, AESTA, RTI, ESTI.